H-nest/litter 2018
More about kittens H-litter
Geboren op 28-04-2018 / Born April 28th 2018
Moeder/mother: Pure Velvet's Amazing Ayla, vader/father: Pure Velvet's Beloved Beau
Dit zal het laatste nestje van Ayla zijn. This will be Ayla's last litter.
both parents tested free from HCM, PKD, CIN, GSD IV, PKDef and Felv/FIV
stamboom/pedigree kittens
Happy Holly - poes/female, blue tortie white, birth weight 105 gr. - besproken
Honey Honey - poes/female, black tortie tabby with white, birth weight 124 gr. - besproken
Heart of Hope - poes/female, black tortie tabby with white, birth weight 120gr. - mogelijk beschikbaar
Huge Hummer - kater/male, blue tabby with white, birth weight 110 gr. - besproken
Heavy Harley - kater/male, black tabby with white, birth weight 116 gr. - besproken